Teacher Training                                           


La formation des professeurs pour 2018 est conclue.  Félicitations Class of 2018!

Chers amis et Sangha du Centre de Yoga du Marais,

I gratefully ask all interested in the Yoga Immersion 200-hr Study/Teacher Training to study a year with me before applying for the immersion, or have studied regularly for two years.  You will receive priority in all classes.  I cover many aspects of the immersion in my classes and in this way we all go deeper into the practices together at the start of the Yoga Immersion, 200-hr Teacher Training.  This training is approved by Yoga Alliance.  The Centre de Yoga du Marais is a registered Yoga Training School with Yoga Alliance.

J’ai demandé aux personnes intéressées par cette immersion de 200 heures de prendre au moins une année de cours avec moi avant de souscrire au programme. Ou, si vous avez déjà pratiqué un minimum de 2 ans et voudrais continuer d’approfondir votre pratique, pourriez vous me contacter et partager qu’est-ce que vous intéresser d-une immersion et formation.  Vous serez prioritaire pour tous les cours.

Cette formation certifiée de 200 heures repose sur l’enseignement et sur l’apprentissage des outils qui nous permettent de partager la connaissance du Yoga. Que vous choisissiez ou non d’enseigner suite à cette formation, votre pratique personnelle et son sens en seront enrichis, affinés et approfondis. Votre pratique sera renforcée et enrichie de l’expérience de l’enseignement. Notre programme couvre la philosophie, aborde la façon dont nous développons notre pratique personnelle, l’anatomie et la physiologie, les asanas, pranayama et la méditation, d’autres branches de la philosophie yogique et le régime alimentaire yogique.

La formation se développe sur six mois et comprend trois pauses pour le travail personnel et les vacances.

La formation est agrée par Yoga Alliance.

Pendant votre formation, vous êtes libre de participer à tous les cours du centre en réservant à l’avance. La formation est enseignée en français et en anglais.





The 200-hr certification course is based on teaching and learning the tools to share the knowledge of yoga, but whether you choose to teach or not you will refine and deepen your own personal practice and what yoga means to you.  Your practice will become stronger and the experience of the teachings enriched.  Our curriculum will cover philosophy, developing a home practice, anatomy and physiology, asana, pranayama and meditation, other branches of yogic philosophy and yogic diet.

The program runs for 6 months with three breaks for personal study and vacation time.


Classes are held generally January to June for 17 weekends in this period.

Saturdays 13h30-16h30

Sundays   13h30-18h30

One beginner’s level class a week is required.

Classes at the centre in addition to training hours may be taken at your convenience with advance reservation.  All these classes are free.

Books and manual are included.

Training will be taught simultaneously in French and English.


2800 euro Full Tuition due by start of program. If you are making installments, we can schedule that.

2600 euro if paid in full 2 months prior.

500 euro deposit is due one month before the beginning of the program.

All materials and classes included.  All classes at the Centre are free during your time of study, with all of the teachers at the center.


La formation 300 heures:    Future projection.                        Date not established.
Cette formation s’adresse à tous les professeurs certifiés Yoga Alliance (200 heures de pratique), et il est recommandé d’avoir enseigné au moins un an.
Merci de contacter directement Michelle pour toute question à ce sujet.
Cette formation avancée vous offre la possibilité d’approfondir vos compétences d’enseignement, d’élargir et d’approfondir votre pratique personnelle, de vous mettre un peu plus au service de notre communauté, de notre monde.
Nous aborderons des postures, des variantes ainsi que des pratiques de pranayamas avancées.
L’étude des Yoga Sutras de Patanjali, des Upanishads et de la Bhagavad Gita vous permettra d’approfondir votre compréhension et votre pratique du Raja Yoga.
Les outils thérapeutiques enseignés approfondiront votre compréhension de l’application du yoga à la santé, à la gestion du stress et au développement personnel.
Notez que si des notions sur la gestion du stress et de yogathérapie seront abordées dans le programme, il ne s’agit cependant pas d’une formation en yogathérapie.
Au programme :

Guider des cours de Hatha Yoga, niveau II et III

Etude et pratiques avancées des pranayamas

Anatomie et physiologie

Ateliers d’intervenants sur le Nada Yoga, la philosophie, le sanskrit et autres (plus de précisions bientôt)…


Dearest Teachers and applicants interested in the 300-hr program,
If you are already a member of Yoga Alliance, which is recognized internationally, you know that
upon completion of a 200 hr and 300hr program, plus at least 100 hours of instruction, you may apply for
ERYT-500 status. Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher.
Below you will see the guidelines for a 300-hr experienced teacher training program.

YTT-300 hour program with Michelle Jacobi

A 200-hr basic training program.
A sustained self-practice and teaching experience.
A desire to go deeper in the study and in your teaching and a commitment to the
duration of the program. Attendance is required for all sessions.
Fee 3,000€ includes all training, workshops and teacher fees. Course materials and manuals.
Does not include transportation and room/board.

What will be covered:
Guidance in your personal Yoga practices
Monitored teaching practice

Details and guidance for teaching Hatha II/III
Raja Yoga
Jnana Yoga
Further study of the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita
Further study of pranayama and meditation practice and theory
Anatomy and physiology with its applications in yoga therapy, a burgeoning field.
All participation in my public classes for the duration of the training is free.

For completion, 2 essays. No exams. A final guided advanced level class for the group.

And finally, dear all of you, I honor your commitment and desire to grow and be a knowledgeable and dedicated teacher,
an inspiration to your students. To serve, to be easeful and useful. Your dedication inspires me.

Om Peace,

At the outset of our journey, the goals stated in our program include:

1) To deepen and strengthen your personal practice. 2) An understanding of the importance of having meditation, pranayama and asana practice. 3) A strong relationship with yoga philosophy and its teachings. 4) To feel comfortable leading a level 1 beginners class. 5) To share the knowledge of Yoga.

Testimonials from the graduates

Samtosadanuttamah sukhalabhah “By contentment supreme joy is gained”   For me, what I have learned thus far through practice, is that contentment is in the state of being, satisfaction arrives at the achievement of a goal. These two forces arrive in yoga practice often. The bifurcation of these forces is sometimes necessary because the achievement of a goal is not always possible and can lead to disappointment. Thus, the ends cannot always justify the means. The journey itself is the state of presence of mind that is all important when one is truly engaged in one’s own practice, it is the essence of contentment. I entered our YTT program with several goals in mind, and of course the 5 goals of our class trajectory were among them. I came with the idea of deepening my own knowledge, and not necessarily with the goal that one day I would like to teach yoga. I came with a desire to grow stronger and to learn from my teacher and my fellow students. I can honestly say that all of these “goals” have been achieved, but there is something much deeper and more surprising that has happened in the course of my personal journey, and that is I feel that I can exist in the present much more, I can be content with what I have and who I am, and I don’t feel pressured to decide “what to do with my yoga training”. I have learned to dwell in a place that is much freer. 1) To deepen and strengthen your personal practice. I have done this by practicing daily if only for ten minutes, but also making a point of getting to a class if I didn’t think I could practice on my own. By doing this, I have been able to sit for longer periods and enjoy my scholarly work in ways I haven’t been able to before. I have also grown stronger in my practice of yoga, and cam do poses I never thought I would do. These poses had been a “goal” but arrived….in a process! This of course leads to the idea that I am learning patience with myself and with others. 2) An understanding of the importance of having meditation, pranayama and asana practice. At first, I had trouble with the idea of a regular meditation practice, because sitting still has always been difficult for me. I have found that through pranayama, and asana practice, the meditation is “icing on the cake”. I come to meditate with a feeling of eagerness. In class when we meditate, I hardly notice the hour has gone by. I know I will have to use a greater discipline if I am to do an hour a day, but I know I can do it. 3) A strong relationship with yoga philosophy and its teachings. Initially, I was fascinated by the history and philosophy of yoga, and I have become even more interested in the philosophy classes, recordings and readings in the philosophy behind the practice of yoga. I have a critical mind by nature so that forming the questions is part of my practice, but I find that even with a most inquisitive nature, one can be a true practitioner of yoga. It is the path to formulating the good questions, and ever searching for the answers that keeps one in their own state of “presence” of mind and body. 4) To feel comfortable leading a level 1 beginners class. As stated earlier, I did not enter this class thinking of the goal of becoming a teacher of yoga. After the first two classes I taught here, I have come to the realization that I am by nature a teacher, so that the classroom is a natural environment to me. I feel comfortable teaching others yoga and am delighted to share my enthusiasm and knowledge with my students and colleagues. Moreover, I am inspired to continue learning from my students and to evolve as a teacher. 6) To share the knowledge of Yoga. I believe this goal will be in process forever. I began to share my love of yoga with friends and family from the start of my practice. I hope to continue to share this love in the larger context of teachings classes on an internationally. — Barbara


More YTT Testimonials

My experience during the 2011 YTT went above and beyond my expectations! The amount of knowledge I came out of the teacher training with was amazing and I couldn’t have asked for a better group of people to share in this journey.Michelle took a group of strangers and created a community of friends who now feel like family. This training was a special time that I’ll always cherish and count as a blessing.    Lisa
Cette formation est pour moi en cohérence avec la philosophie yogi telle que nous l’étudions. Michelle nous accueille avec ce que nous sommes, chacun. Elle nous accueille avec notre personnalité propre, nos différences, notre créativité. Le but de la formation étant d’y puiser ce dont nous avons besoin pour nous révéler à nous même et éveiller le professeur de yoga qui sommeille en nous. Il ne s’agit pas de créer de toutes pièces un professeur formaté mais de transmettre à partir de nous, de notre sensibilité, de notre créativité, que Michelle nous encourage véritablement à développer. Ainsi Michelle nous invite, dans une démarche exigeante, toujours bienveillante, respectueuse et positive, à cultiver ce qu’il y a de riche en chacun de nous.
Il n’y a pas, comme dans certains systèmes éducatifs, de jugement, de piège, de pédagogie par l’échec.
Cette expérience m’a permis d’entrer plus en contact avec moi, d’éclairer sous un nouvel angle ma vie, la pratique que j’ai envie de transmettre et ce que représentait pour moi l’enseignement.
Cette formation a été l’occasion d’une nouvelle rencontre avec moi-même et avec neuf bien belles âmes.    Maud
Michelle has a wealth of information that she shares freely with joy and delight. I appreciate, particularly, not only her rigor in pursuit of our development and growth as teachers and yoga practitioners, but also her ability to recognize and acknowledge our individual gifts and strengths. Michelle has not only the knowledge and skill but also the generosity to make her a wonderful teacher of teachers. I am looking forward to the 500-hour course!    Ann
Michelle, you are a born teacher, it’s really a privilege to get to do it with you.  It was such a lovely time in my life, I would almost go back and do the whole thing again!    Yvonne